Café Mediterranée Basma el Husseiny and Petra Stienen

Café Mediterranée Basma el Husseiny and Petra Stienen

series of debates in Middelburg, Nijmegen and The Hague

Cultural Cooperation after the Arab Revolutions
Friday 23 november, 16.00 hours, Middelburg , Burgerzaal in het Oude Stadhuis van Middelburg, Markt, 4331CB,  Free entrance.
Sunday 25 November, 12.30 – 14.00 hours, Nijmegen, Gouden Zaal VillaLUX, Oranjesingel 42, 6511 NW, Entrance: 10 euros (including lunch). Please register here.
Monday 26 November, 16.30, The Hague, Huis van Europa, Korte Vijverberg 5/6, 2513 AB, 16.00 doors open, 16.30 start, 18.00 short reception. Free entrance. Registration obligatory. Please fill in the form here (in Dutch).

In the Arab region, human rights, culture and innovation are closely intertwined. The repressive forces of dictatorships or the dominant influence of strong Islamic powers have made it difficult for artists, actors and dancers to find room for their talent. After the Arab revolutions there seems to be an opening for more cultural expressions. Is this correct? And what does this mean for cooperation with European and Dutch artists?

Petra Stienen and Basma el Husseiny will discuss the role of arts and culture after the Arab revolutions and the possibilities for cultural cooperation with the Netherlands and Europe. The discussion will be complemented with appealing examples in film and pictures.

Basma el Husseiny is a prominent cultural activist from Cairo. Her foundation El Mawred, Cultural Resource organizes startling cultural festivals in Egypt and is the main organization in the Arab region for educating cultural managers. Additionally, El Mawred researches cultural cooperation between different Arab countries and Europe. Also, Basma El Husseiny advises national and international organizations on cultural policy in the Arab region. Basma and her colleagues played a key role in setting up cultural events in the spring of 2011 during the protests on Tahrir Square.

Petra Stienen is an author, Arabist and an independent advisor. She worked in the Arab World for more than ten years, among others on the Dutch embassies in Cairo and Damascus. She writes for some quality papers and magazines in the Netherlands and regularly comments on radio and television. She won the Dutch Women in the Media Award 2011. Her book ‘Dreaming of an Arab Spring’ was published in 2008 (only available in Dutch). In 2012 her new book came out ‘The other Arab voice. A new future for the Middle East.’ Part of the proceeds of her most recent book will go to Basma’s foundation El Mawred.

In The Hague, Petra and Basma will be joined by Adrianus Koetsenruijter. He works for the diplomatic service of the EU as head of the department Mercosur countries. Until last September, he was head of the EU delegation in Tunisia and also responsible for Libya.

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