Ian Yang
Advisor - China I Japan I South Korea
i.yang [at] dutchculture.nl

Museum Exhibition Development Training in Beijing

Beijing's Capital Museum will be a fieldwork destination of the 2nd Dutch museum management training programme.

Museum Exhibition Development Training in Beijing

A practice based intensive course on museum exhibition development will be organized in Beijing for a group of some 40 Chinese museum professionals.

From 13-18 November, 2016, a practice based intensive course on museum exhibition development will be organized in Beijing for a group of some 40 museum professionals coming from throughout China. This course is designed by Reinwardt academy and Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam with support from both the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Ministry of Culture, China. DutchCulture is co-organizing this programme together with Peking University.

Museum sector exchange and collaboration is one of the focal topic recognized and agreed in the 2014-2017 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cultural cooperation between the Ministries of Culture of The Netherlands and China. Within the MoU framework, in May 2015 the first Dutch museum management training programme was successfully held in Beijing with the participation of nearly 40 museum professionals from across China.

This second training programme is designed and optimized based on the experience and feedback of the previous course. All the key lecturers had working experience with Chinese museums and are familiar with the status quo of the Chinese museum sector.

For more information please contact Monique Knapen and Ian Yang

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